May 2, 2021

This is what i told my psychiatrist last year after my last manic episode. “You are scaring me Madame” he said looking me as if i was completely delusional. Thank you C… for believing in me! So i prouved him wrong when i controlled 3 possible manic phases 6 months later, meaning i managed to take the pills before it became a disaster: delusion of grandeur, a new potential lover and another 10 days in my pj with my new best psychotic friends. I don’t know for sure what helped stop the manic phases from happening but these are the things i have changed in my life since last year: i have been meditating everyday, taking more breaks at work, paying more attention to first signs of vulnerability. I have been doing lots of art and journal writing to express and release my emotions and i express my feelings more freely towards people now. I even change my eating habits but not follow the keto diet. 😉

  • Laurie May 5, 2021 at 3:51 am

    M—you are strong. You have suffered so much. It breaks my heart.

  • Undosy May 10, 2021 at 8:36 am

    I am sorry, that has interfered… At me a similar situation. Let’s discuss. Write here or in PM.